Why is your WiFi getting slower?

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Everyone wants to have the quickest internet connection possible. However, there are occasions when your broadband connection is just too sluggish to provide any entertainment value. You notice your internet provider has let you down halfway through the finale of your favourite programme that you’re watching or on the last level of a multiplayer game. The good news is that you have control over many of the variables that cause your internet to slow down. If you’re having trouble with your broadband connection, check out the list of ideas and recommendations below.


There Are Too Many Devices!


One of the most common causes of broadband internet slowdown is the number of devices connecting to it at any one moment. It’s not unusual for a family to share a broadband network with four or more mobile devices, laptops, and smart TVs. These activities deplete the Wi-Fi’s available bandwidth, resulting in a decrease in internet speed. You obtain the most incredible experience, be sure to plan your family’s internet consumption.


The Router is in the Wrong Location.


The router should be in a central place with the least amount of interference to get the most excellent internet connection. If the router is positioned far away from the device that monitors the Wi-Fi signal, the signal range and penetration are likely insufficient to detect and utilise. To improve internet speed, make sure there are more minor physical impediments and that the router is at the proper distance from the computer.

There are much too many users and downloads.

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The high level of internet use by many people might cause broadband bandwidth to become congested. The time of day or various other variables might cause network traffic to surge or plateau. Consequently, several customers’ bulky downloads might cause congestion in the internet infrastructure, slowing down overall broadband speed. Hidden downloads, particularly from streaming websites and video games, might slow down your internet connection.


Malware and Viruses


While viruses and malware may not directly affect broadband speeds, they can wreak havoc on your device’s hardware and software, preventing you from enjoying a pleasant online experience. As a result, it is critical to have anti-virus software and keep it up to date.

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Wiring that is faulty or outdated


One of the most common reasons for sluggish broadband speeds is a frayed, loose, or broken wire. Connecting your broadband router to the master socket will help you get faster internet connections. The wiring must be fixed and monitored regularly to ensure healthy internet speeds.

But, you will never have this problem if you subscribe to Jom Apply unifi broadband. They will suggest the best plan for your home usage and devices.