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Just like any other creative and artistic endeavour, the IFF needed patronage to flourish; a patron who not only shared the same mindset and ideals but would also be fully committed in championing its cause.

In Her Excellency Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of Malaysian Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak (then Deputy Prime Minister), the IFF found not only a patron who understood its core ideals but also believed that Islamic fashion, a category that is often ignored or neglected, has an enormous economic growth potential offering huge business opportunities for designers and industry players in Malaysia and the region. She shares with Dato’ Raja Rezza Shah the vision to establish the IFF as a strong new entity in the fashion world, with Kuala Lumpur as the capital of Islamic fashion. Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor has since been relentless in pursuing the IFF’s mission to connect Islam with the Western world through fashion, resulting in IFF being showcased across South East Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe and America.